LA Kids Collect Dog Supplies for Wags and WalksOn March 11, 2023, LA Kids Giving back did a drive for dog supplies. We collected dog toys, treats, collars, leashes, food, blankets, and...
LA Kids Win a $500 Community Service Grant! May 14th, 2023: We are so proud of Leah Miller for winning a $500 dollar Community Service Grant through Curtis School! Thank you Curtis...
Walk to help PCRF!By Aviela King PCRF is the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation and is a nonprofit organization. National Charity League and I gathered...
Project Giving LightBy, Jerome King National League of Young Men got together to create over 60 birthday boxes for young boys aged 9-12 for Project Giving...
Toiletry Bags for The Priority CenterBy: Brooke Rowen CA Kids Giving Back was so excited to join forces with girls from National Charity League and Assitance League....
Sorting and distributing food for Thanksgiving with Families Forward!We spent part of Thanksgiving week sorting food at Families Forward in Irvine and handing out Thanksgiving food to people who needed some...
Donate to Macey's Military to Help Find a Cure for Type 1 Diabetes Hi! My name is Macey and I’m 13 years old. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 7, and I’ve been helping support JDRF as...
Making baked goods for Thomas House shelter and Wise place! My Bat Mitzvah project was bringing fresh baked goods to people in need. I realized that the people living in these shelters never really...
Babysitting at OC Rescue MissionBy: Leah Miller On August 15, 2022, we babysat children experiencing homelessness. We played with them, taught them how to draw, and gave...
LA Kids Giving Back Supports Wags and WalksOn April 6, 2022, a few members of La Kids Giving Back went to Wags and Walks to volunteer and drop off our donations! Wags and Walks is...