Lemonade stand detailsWe raised $700.92 at our lemonade stand. There was a lot of donations and a lot of people donated a lot of money to get lemonade and...
Lemonade Stand for WHWWe are doing a lemonade stand to raise money for WHW. Come join us if you want to. We will be making lemonade first at my house and...
Our Backpack Drive was a Success!We donated 45 backpacks, hundreds of school supplies, hundreds of school snacks, and 7 gift cards to Walmart. Our photos are here.
OC Kids Giving Back at the Compassion ExperienceWe went to the Compassion Project in Anaheim and learned about Olive and her life. Olive is from Uganda and she had a hard life. The...
Donate your backpack for our first event!We are collecting backpacks to donate to children in OC at the Thomas House Family Shelter. We will fill them with school supplies. ...
Join us at our summer kickoff event on July 17th.To find out more about OC Girls Giving Back, join us at our summer kickoff event. Email us at ockidsgivingback@gmail.com for more info.