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OC Kids Giving Back - Founded in 2016
Brooke Rowen
Some of my favorite events that I have planned are supporting OC Rescue Mission, Irvine Animal Care Center, Pacific Marine Mammal Center.
Jerome King
Some of my favorite events have been helping foster kids and making para-cord bracelets for the military. I really love helping people in need.
Miles King
I love dogs and I get sad if they don't have homes. I like to help dogs and people.
Taylor Rowen
Since we started in 2016, our chapters in OC, LA and San Diego have raised over $75,000 in financial and other donations!
Aviela King
I love to make the world a better place. I have organized events teaching soccer to kids at a homeless shelter and making duffel bags for foster kids.
OC Kids Giving Back

Isabelle Parker

Anderson Parker
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