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4TheLuvOfPaws - Service Project Event

Brooke Rowen

We are so excited to bring 4TheLuvOfPaws to you! 4TheLuvOfPaws is a service project event that we created. We are partnering up with girl scouts, Kara and Erin Tanezaki, who are in troop 2525. To see the website for 4TheLuvOfPaws click on

Our Mission

We think that animals and pets deserve to live a good quality of life. Many animals have anxiety for many different reasons such as having no family, neglect, abuse and abandonment. All pets should have food, water, and be able to live in a happy environment. How can we help to make them happy? Through our website, we hope to inspire others to support our mission. There are many animals in shelters that are in need of adoption. We believe that by making toys and donating them to shelters, we can improve animal anxiety, make pets happier, and resulting in more adoptable animals. Our goal is to educate others through presentations and animal drives where we will teach hands on instructions on how to make animal toys. We hope that this website provides inspiration for people to spread the word on the need for adoption. Please go to our Education tab to view instructions on making dog and cat toys that can be donated to animal shelters. We hope that by teaching how to make toys and educating on the need for adoption, animals are made happier which would help to improve adoption rates.

Would you like to help?

Come to our event! We will teach you about shelters and how to make dog and cat toys. The toys we make will go to a shelter.

We would love if you could bring donations. Here is a list of needed stuff.

-Used or new tennis balls

-Recycled empty water bottles (for the DIY toys)

-Socks (for the DIY toys)

-T-shirts (for the DIY toys)




-Puppy or cat food

-Dog or cat beds


-Dog and cat toys

Here are the details:

When: June 9, 2019 @ 2:30-4:30

Where: North Park Clubhouse- 10 Meadow Valley Irvine, CA


We hope you can make it! Here is a video:

© 2016 By Brooke Rowen

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